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About Us

Our Story

There is a significance behind the lowercase 'i' in SHE SHiNES UK. The founder saw it as important to remember the source of her shine as she motivates women to find theirs. She says her shine comes from God her creator, He led her to start this brand to empower the ambitious women living in the UK. The founder’s mission is to help women discover and pursue their potential.

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The Founder

My name is Chaunté, I began She Shines UK in 2020 when God prompted me to start doing something to prepare for the life I wanted. He showed me that I had been sitting on my potential, waiting for this so-called “perfect time.” God inspired me to create something that inspires and motivates me and other women. He helped me rediscover myself and what I want out of life. I hope that through everything we do, at She Shines UK you hear God calling out your potential as He has been calling out mine.


Rooting for you sis.



The Team

I am Samantha and I am a volunteer. What I do is provide support in various ways a few to mention is: video taking and picture taking, interview questioner, blog poster. What made me become a volunteer was to gained skills and build my overall confident. In doing so I have been able to add to my current skills to bring forth my best as person.  In being a volunteer for She Shines I have benefited in so many ways new skills, understanding of business and organisation that's goes into planning of events/plans and structures.

Hello! I'm Jennifer and I've been a She Shines UK Volunteer for about 2 years+. I'm involved in the Media and Photography side of She Shines UK and I also support with the logistical operations too. Being a volunteer has allowed me to further develop my skillset and has given me the opportunity to meet wonderful women from various industries who are having a tangible impact within their spheres of influence. It's a pretty inspirational volunteer role and I enjoy every minute of it.

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